Linda is the National Coordinator of Kenya at Africa Students For Liberty (ASFL), a network of pro-liberty students and student leaders. She is pursuing a master’s degree in chemistry at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology in Kenya, where she uses mass spectrometry to analyze chemical compounds. She is also an African Liberty Writing Fellow of the 2023/2024 cohort, a program that trains young Africans in opinion article writing on liberty-related topics. She is part of the Bastiat Scrolls writing team, a monthly series that introduces the reader to various libertarian ideas and perspectives. She is also involved in the Green Liberty Lab, an incubator program that empowers students to create environmental solutions in their communities. She is passionate about promoting homegrown solutions for Africa’s challenges and creating a kinder world. She believes that Bastiat’s witty and lucid explanations of economic principles can inspire and educate people about the benefits of free markets and individual rights.

Linda Wambui Kariuki
National Coordinator of Kenya